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Jiangxi Fuzhou Wanxiang Xinyuan science and technology wisdom exhibition hall
Jiangxi Fuzhou Wanxiang Xinyuan science and technology wisdom exhibition hall
Project Name Jiangxi Fuzhou Wanxiang Xinyuan science and technology wisdom exhibition hall Project Introduction 1. Exhibition hall 8 P1 86 screen
Project Date 2022.04 Equipment used F2,Kapollo,KSV24,SV16*3,G616C*288
Project Location Fuzhou, Jiangxi Project Requirements 1. F2 can ensure point-to-point display and smooth playback of super-resolution video 2. Kapolo central control can be used to uniformly control the material switching, sound adjustment and PLC switching of 8 screens 3. F2 built-in sound card can output

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